Thank you for your commitment to Christ while serving at Evangel.
We are thrilled to offer the following mail-related and print-related services at the Mail and Print Center. Our office is informing you in advance about our current and newly updated policies and procedures for the 2023-2024 Academic Year! Thank you for reading this email in its entirety.
1) PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS: If you would like another colleague or a student worker (Work Study or Campus Employment) to pick up your package(s) on your behalf, our office requests receiving the print-off of that package’s notification, sending our notification to someone's phone for us to see, or emailing us at in advance of the fact that a colleague or student is coming on your behalf to pick up any item of yours.
We understand that visiting our establishment may not be conducive to your schedule on select days or even for select semesters, so we are offering this service to everyone, for someone else in your department who can visit us more conveniently to come and get your items.
2) 2-WEEK TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SENDING OUT PERSONAL PACKAGES/BOXES: As a faculty or staff member, we normally provide the courtesy services for sending out personal boxes or packages on your behalf, both prepaid and postage that you pay upon visiting our establishment. However, we suspend these services ONLY during the first two weeks of every fall semester and spring semester.
For this academic year, the temporarily suspension of these services includes:
FALL 2023 SEMESTER: Monday, August 21, 2023 through Friday, September 1, 2023
(Personal Package/Box Services will then resume on Tuesday, September 5, as we will be closed on Labor Day on Monday, September 4).
SPRING 2024 SEMESTER: Monday, January 8 through Friday, January 19, 2024
(Personal Package/Box Services will resume on Monday, January 22, 2024).
This temporary suspension DOES NOT apply towards department charges, as all items (letters, packages, and boxes) will be processed regularly.
As helpful context for your reference at the beginning of each semester, our team handles sending notifications and delivers between 200-400 items to students, faculty, and staff on a daily basis, as well as receiving a significantly increased number of print requests than we normally receive. Thus, we request holding off with sending personal packages during those two weeks. Your understanding in advance is greatly appreciated.
3) PRINT CHARGES TO DEPARTMENTS: Thank you for reading closely the differences between these two different categories regarding print charges.
Any promotional materials or non-specialized print requests (i.e., posters, brochures, student examinations, and test prints) are free. We are able to process these print requests through our Print Request Form Queue. We do adhere to an 8-hour policy for ALL print requests, UNLESS advance arrangements are arranged by calling extension 7239 or physically visiting the Mail and Print Center to discuss an alternative arrangement. We appreciate your understanding and your advanced preparations accordingly, knowing that we sometimes need a full day (and longer) for certain free print-related projects.
Any book materials (which students would then be purchased) or specialized printing (for dissertations and spiral-bound printing requiring 50 or more sheets of paper) will incur charges that you personally or your department will be charged. I, Joey, will reach out to you with a quote of charges ONLY IF the department is going to be charged for these services. If I do not reach out to you, then the print request that you have submitted will be free. Please also note that such requests require more than a business day to process.
The digital maps for accessing our Print Request Form for both categories are as follows:
1) Employee/Faculty Portal: On the Top Left Corner is the option for choosing "Services." After clicking on it, then choose the "Mail and Print Request Form" (third option of the drop-down menu). You will be redirected to our Print Request Form, where you can then complete all Required Fields, and just remember to click "Submit" for official submission. You will receive an official notification that this request is in our queue, and we will send a separate message when the project is ready for you.
2) Evangel Website: At the bottom of the homepage, there is a gray button that says "Employees." After you click on it, there will be multiple red hyperlink boxes that appear, and then, you can click on the "Mail & Print Request Form" (second to last option: bottom right corner). You will be redirected to our Print Request Form, where you can then complete all Required Fields, and just remember to click "Submit" for official submission. You will receive an official notification that this request is in our queue, and we will send a separate message when the project is ready for you.
4) LARGER BOXES RECEIVED ON OUR DOCK AREA: Due to the high number of boxes received during our operating hours throughout the academic year, we do request that if you have ordered boxes that are heavier than 20 pounds, please arrange to pick up these items within a week of receiving the first notification. For example, when you receive the first routed notification (for example, Thursday, September 7), please make arrangements to pick up the items before 4:30 p.m. the next same weekday (which, for example's sake, would be Thursday, September 14). These large boxes block our carts from moving easily and effectively, thus delaying all other services that our office offers.
To help with the transport of these larger items, we have 4 carts available on a first come, first served basis, which can be checked out of our system for up to 3 hours. You also have the authorization to park temporarily in our DOCK Area in order to pick up any such larger items, and our office can help with loading items into your vehicle, when arrangements are made in advance.
5) NAMES ON ORDERED ITEMS: Our office occasionally receives items with unrecognizable names or no names at all on the boxes' external label forms. When ordering items being sent to Evangel, please write the name of the actual recipient somewhere on the order form, so that our associates can still send our digital notifications easily to the correct recipient. If the ordering person differs than the recipient, please provide BOTH names on the external shipping labels, to ensure less confusion and faster delivery of ordered items can occur. To help with order forms that limit how many characters are written, "Evangel University" does not need to be included, so feel free to add a second name if possible.
6) INTERNATIONAL POSTAGE OUT-SOURCING SERVICES: Due to software updates beyond our control, our location is unable to process packages and boxes with international postage at our location on-site. On your behalf, a staff member will go offsite during the next business day to find the cheapest or expedited postage rate internationally, based off your personal or department's preferences. In advance, a customs form must be completed at our location before our office associate takes care of processing this package.
Our office will contact you once this package has been processed offsite and the amount has been finalized. We request that any international processing be paid in full within 7 business days of making the initial transaction (again, if processed on Thursday, September 7, that payment is given on Thursday, September 14), which can be taken at any time at our location with Cash, Credit Card, or Debit Card. If the transaction occurs in one month (say on Wednesday, September 27), this payment must occur in that same said month (on Friday, September 29).
Should you have any questions concerning these updated procedures, please feel free to call or visit our location to discuss options preemptively for the best processing of your potential outgoing international mailed items from our location.
7) INSERTER MACHINE CAPABILITIES AND PROCEDURES: Our office now has an inserter machine that can tri-fold letters into envelopes, as well as providing assistance with printing, folding, and applying postage onto letters to assist your department's outgoing letters. Please note: if you would like our office to process these letters on the same day at our location, we will need everything emailed or brought to our office no later than 11 a.m. This timeframe ensures that our office associates have enough time to use two different machines (three if our office is printing these letters ourselves) and process all items before USPS picks up all outgoing mail at 2:45 p.m. on the same business day. During select times of the year, it may not be possible for us to complete the entire project in one business day, even if the items are brought right at 11 a.m.,, so thank you for communicating with our office in advance so that we can make arrangements for processing your letter request. If you would like to schedule an appointment to see how our operations work for this inserter machine, feel free to respond at any time to this email, and we will decide together on a time that works for both of us.
8) DEPARTMENT MAILBOXES: If you would like to check your mailbox from inside the Mail and Print Center for incoming letters, you, any colleague, or any associated Student Worker (either Work Study or Campus Employment) are all allowed to do so. When looking for your department’s slot, please refer to the slot underneath where your department name appears and follow the arrows marked accordingly. If you are unsure which items are yours in your mailbox, please either refer to the orange sheet beside the mailboxes or talk with one of our employees, as we would be happy to help refer you to the right mailbox location and to accurately receive your department mail.
9) UNWANTED BOXES: We are happy to take your unwanted recycled boxes, either to repurpose them for others who will eventually be sending out items through the mail or to recycle those boxes on your behalf. Feel free to stop by with any unwanted boxes during our operating hours.
10) STAMPS AND ENVELOPES: There are no limitations on personal or department stamp purchases. Individual stamps currently cost 0.66 cents each, so a Book of 10 Stamps costs $6.60 and a Book of 20 Stamps costs $13.20. We accept Cash, Credit Card, or Debit Card as forms of payment for all transactions. We are unable to process checks, but in order to get Cash for payment of these services, feel free to visit the Bursar’s Office next door (Mondays to Fridays: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. year-round), and we will take Cash as the form of payment. We also have a wide selection of envelopes for an additional charge.
11) ITEM DELIVERY TIMES: Included are guidelines for when normally Carriers pick up and drop off their items. Please note that every weekday delivery is different and schedules are subject to change without any notice, but on a typical basis with current carrier trends observed, our office typically receives these Vendors during these weekdays:
FedEx Express – Picks-Up Items By Morning Appointments and as Orders Arrive Only (please contact us for pick-up arrangements in advance if you need any item expedited through this service)
USPS – between 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m.
UPS – between 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Amazon – between 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. (twice a day typically, once in the mornings and once in the afternoons)
Local Floral Arrangements (Various Carriers) – between 10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
FedEx Ground – between 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
DHL – between 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Please note that we suspend routing items at 4:15 p.m. on most weekdays (with the exception of Mondays, when the cut-off time is 5:15 p.m., since we are open until 5:30 p.m. those weekdays), so that our associates have enough time to finalize closing procedures at our location. All items received after this timeframe will be routed as one of the first operational tasks during the next business day. All items received at or after 4:15 p.m. on Fridays (and throughout the weekends) will be processed by our office on Monday mornings, and all items will be available for pick-up at 10 a.m.
12) CLOSED WINDOW INDICATES WHEN USPS HAS ALREADY PICKED UP OUTGOING MAIL FOR THE DAY: In order to quickly inform you whether the mail has been picked up or not for the day, we close our office's overhead Window at the front of the Center once USPS has visited our office. USPS’ time for picking up the mail fluctuates, being as early as 3 p.m. and being as late as 5 p.m. To ensure that something is mailed out on the same day, thank you for making arrangements to have your mail brought to our location no later than 2:15 p.m.
Our temporary hours of operation for the remainder of the summer (which lasts until Friday, August 18), are as follows:
Summer Office Hours of Operation:
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays
CLOSED FOR LUNCH: 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays
Closed on all Saturdays, all Sundays, and Select Summer Holidays
Starting on Monday, August 21, we will resume the following Academic Operating Hours (unless announced in advance, all the way until May 2024):
Mondays: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Tuesdays to Fridays: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed on all Weekends and Most Federally-Recognized Holidays
If you have any unanswered questions concerning any of these email guidelines/policies of our operations, please email me or visit me at the Mail and Print Center to discuss any point addressed. Knowledge is power, and I enjoy empowering you, as we as a united community continue serving and empowering Evangel students, who are consecrated and called to share Jesus as He is leading them!
Thank you for reading this email in its entirety, and best regards as you continue preparing for another academic year at Evangel University!
Joey Nunez
Manager of the Mail & Print Center – Information Technology
Direct Line: (417) 865-2815, ext. 7239
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